Rainy season can be a fearsome part of life for Ugandans.
It was a terrifying night in July when relentless rains loosened the entire side of a mountain. Houses, gardens, livestock and people were flooded into a gully. Loss of life is always a cause for grief, but especially so for us when the victims include relatives of children in the Juna Amagara program. These were our neighbors suffering from disaster. Our Ugandan brothers and sisters.
An appeal was made to Juna Amagara donors to send funds for relief. You – our partners in the Ugandan mission field – responded. Because of your generosity, we were able to send over $9,000.00. Aid from the ministry was completely unexpected by the victims. These people, you see, are accustomed to feeling forgotten.
But God remembers His children. And so must we. This is one of the callings of Juna Amagara. By October, the impassable roads were being cleared. Lives began to settle and hearts to hope, because their prayers were heard… By Juna Amagara, and by you. The victims were completely overwhelmed with gratitude!
The rainy season will come once again but the love and faithfulness of God is ever-present.
To those who donated, those who prayed and those who cared, we are grateful. You saved not just a few lives, but entire families and communities. Thank you!