We hope the festivities of the season are going well with you and it is our prayer that the gift lavished on you, Emmanuel, God with Us, is bringing you peace and joy for all to see! In this special time of giving, we are thankful that most of you received a special gift from us… a letter from your sponsored child, along with a picture and an update from your child’s social worker. Unfortunately, some of you did not receive one. For reasons we don’t understand, the remaining letters sent from Uganda via DHL are being held up at customs. Having shipped many times via this carrier in the past, we did not foresee any problems. We hope the shipment will somehow be able to complete its delivery to us after it is realized that the items are simply precious letters from very important orphans! So if you have not received your letter and update, it’s probably stuck in customs and we hope to have it cleared and on its way to you soon. Thank you for your patience and understanding!