Our First Quarter of 2024

 Thank you for giving hope to a child through sponsorship. With your support, the children are doing well and are excited to share all they are learning in their letters

2023 in Review

Dear Friends and Supporters,On behalf of the Board of Directors, Uganda staff, our ministry partner, Hope Partners Africa, and the children in our program, we thank you for your unwavering

December 2023

Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words. . .

A Letter to Our Sponsors

 July 2023 Greetings Sponsors, We recently returned from our trip to Uganda on June 15th. Our mission team consisted of 10 very enthusiastic and energetic people who were so eager

PlusOne Sponsorship Campaign

 Have you been to the grocery store lately? If so, you’ve noticed that food has gone up. This is also true in Uganda, where the global food crisis and record

February 2023

Dear Sponsors, Thank you so much for generously providing your child with a Christmas gift. Please enjoy a thank you letter and picture from your sponsored child! Your gift supplied